English text

Esoteric researcher and writer, born in Florence, for many years he has been studying subjects related to natural wellbeing and spirituality.

After a university degree in English Language and Literature he has attended several courses in naturopathy at the SIMO. Scuola Italiana di Medicina Olistica (Italian School of Holistic Medicine) and at some other institutions. He has particularly researched such fields as dowsing, kinesiological testing, tarots and oracle cards, chakra analysis and rebalancing, essential oils and other natural remedies, energetic cleansing.

He studied ayurvedic remedies under the guidance of Gino Veronesi, at the Erboristeria Ambrosia in Florence.

He holds consultations and courses in various disciplines.

He is a holistic practitioner and a teacher accredited by CSEN. Centro Sportivo Educativo Nazionale (Italian Association for Sport and Bionatural Disciplines).

He published various books with different publishers.

For some years he has been teaching at the Scuola di Naturopatia e Tuina Panakeia in Florence.

He is the manager of some music artists: Fratelli Stellari, DJoNemesis and Dorien Dorion.

Consultations and courses

These are held mainly in Florence.

Courses calendar

To attend the courses is not necessary a preliminary knowledge of the subject, because each class begins from the basic level. Students receive a fascicle with numerous information about the arguments of the course; at the end they will be given a participation certificate.


Dowsing. Using a pendulum and a dowsing rod (also called "biotensor") it is possible to obtain various information, for example:

- Compatibility of substances, food and remedies with a person;

- Answers to various questions through specific charts;

- Geopathic areas (Earth points with bad energy) at home and outside;

- Searching for lost or hidden objects;

- Analysis of chakras and body parts.


Kinesiological testing. These tests are made through the person muscles: fingers, arms and legs. They are very useful and reliable for discovering the compatibility of substances, food, remedies and for analysing body energies.


Chakra analysis and rebalancing. The 7 major chakras can be studied through dowsing and kinesiological tests so as to understand the characteristics of a person. It is possible to find the most appropriate remedies for rebalancing the chakras, such as essential oils and orgonite pendants, but I also use some devices producing toroidal fields and some energetic cleansing techniques.


Find out your spirit guide and your past lives through kinesiological testing. The method of kinesiological testing is effective to discover the name and the characteristics of your personal spirit guide, as well as various information about your past lives.


Tarot and oracle cards reading. Consultations and courses about tarot decks and other oracle cards, such as "Lo Scrigno degli Oracoli" (Cats, Witches and Roman Gods), Italian Sibille, "Fin de Siècle Kipper".


Energetic cleansing. This can be applied both to people and locations (houses, offices), using toroidal fields, incenses and herbs burnings, essential oils, crystal essences.


Essential oils. Extracted from herbs and plants, essential oils are natural aromatic remedies which can be used in different ways: massage, direct inhalation, ambient diffusion, bath and on the chakras. Beauty products can also be prepared.
The fragrance and composition of each oil work on mind and body imbalances. There are specific oils for a lot of situations: emotional problems, mental weariness, love pain and so on. The best oils are those produced by Primavera: in Italy this trademark is owned by Flora srl, a company in Lorenzana (Pisa).


Kinesiological testing

TAU Aetere's, a device to create a toroidal energetic field

Tarot and oracle cards reading

Essential Oils "Primavera", produced by Flora

Spirit guides